Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Hi guys,

It's been a while. I've done some serious work over the past few months and have finally gotten things hashed out for the most part, which means it is time to start doing blogs again. I've been working on getting some better quality equipment and I've decided to make a few changes. While the majority of the blog will still be indie based products I'm also going to be reviewing commercial products and I'm going to be doing some compare and contrast.

In part because what makes indie products shine is their difference from the mass produced commercial products that line our drugstore shelves. A lot of the products I'll be reviewing are Avon and comparing too are going to be Avon products. This is because I can get my hands on them cheaply. I'd love to be able to review the indie products against companies like Max factor and some of the high end expensive stuff but honestly, I don't have that kind of money so, I'm going to be comparing the products that are homemade or made by smaller companies against the less expensive brands.

I'm also going to be putting in a tip post every now and then so you can get the most out of your products. I know that the standard industry talk is that you need to replace your makeup about every 3-6 months but seriously, in this economy who has that kind of money, to throw out products like that. In some cases, it might be necessary but for the most part, with a little effort, you can use your products until you use them up whether that is in 3 months or 3 years.

Beauty is more than just makeup, its skin care, its jewelry, its fashion and its mindset. Beautiful is when we, as women and men, are feeling confident and good about ourselves and our appearance. That was one of the reasons I started out writing this blog and reviewing these products, I wanted to offer people wonderful alternatives that were healthy for them, for the environment and would provide them with excellent products, whether they are looking for soaps, skincare, nailpolish, lipstick, or eyeshadow.

Unfortunately, one company will not be reviewed any further on the site. Pixie Polish, due to health reasons of the creator, had to close its doors. I was greatly saddened by this since anyone who knows me, knows that Pixie Polish was one of my all time favorite brands and makes up probably half my nail polish collection. I am hoping that Pixie gets better and one days brings back these glorious polishes for us to enjoy.

I have quite a few companies to review so look forward to reviews coming soon.
