Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bon Logic Dragons Blood Soap

I've got sensitive skin so I'm always on the look out for something I can use that isn't going to make me break out, itch, dry out, or turn funny colors of red all over. I also have a fondness for a variety of different scents so my cabinet is filled with all kinds of scents. Sometimes I change the scents daily depending on my mood. I have never before seen Dragonsblood scented soap so I had to try it.

First I have to say it's a beautiful color, it comes shrink wrapped, very professionally and even has the BonLogic name carved into just like you seen in store bought mass produced products.

The scent is wonderful, strong, and earthy. It isn't a floral scent so it's great for guys but still nice enough for girls to enjoy. I personally put it out gave it a try, definitely liked it. My skin is smoother and I don't have red splotches everywhere or itch. for me that's a definite plus. The scent also lingers for a while. That's a definite plus when you have a 9 year old boy.

I put it out for my son, he enjoys the scent because it isn't girly and I can always tell if he's washed his hands.

It lathers well even in heavier water. I've had some soaps not lather at all in our water. You can find this scent at

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